Imagine waking up in a farmhouse in colonial America in the mid-18th century. The floorboards under your feet would look a lot like our wide plank pine floors. We mill very long and wide tongue and groove pine planks just like our early American ancestors did. In fact, our wide plank pine flooring was chosen by the curators at Old Sturbridge Village, a living history museum in Massachusetts, because it resembles an early American tavern pine floor.
Our premium grade wide plank pine has a traditional farmhouse look, and it is carefully selected from logs predominantly twelve feet and longer in order to ensure even growth and live red knots. The logs are only harvested during the cold winter months for the best color retention. Only sound red knots and very occasional small sound black knots or inclusions are allowed in this grade.
We offer widths from 5 to 19 inches (and even wider, if you don’t need the boards endmatched) and exceptionally long lengths.