Hull Forest Products is an industry leader in forest conservation. We utilize best management practices and our forestry division consists of state licensed foresters and timber harvesters as well as Society of American Foresters (SAF) certified foresters. We recognize that consumers are seeking wood from forests that are independently verified as well-managed, and that is why the majority of the land owned by Hull Forestlands in southern New England is certified by the American Tree Farm System (ATFS).
Architects / specifers– if you are looking for LCA or EPD info for our wood flooring, click here: Wood Flooring EPD
90 percent of all U.S. wood products come from private woodlands owned by families and businesses. The key to forest conservation lies with these private landowners. Hull Forest Products works with small and large New England landowners to help them steward their woodlands to provide a renewable source of forest products, wildlife habitat, air and water quality enhancement, recreational opportunity, and carbon storage. Well-managed forests simultaneously provide a sustainable source of biomaterials AND essential ecological services. Because 50 percent of the dry weight of wood is stored carbon, when we make wood products with harvested timber, these wood products continue to store carbon throughout their long service life, cascading the forest’s carbon storage abilities forward.
When we harvest and use wood from well-managed forests, important things happen. The managed forest is more likely to remain a forest because its owners are receiving income from the periodic sale of timber. The biggest driver of forest loss in the Northeast is land conversion to development, so economic activity that supports forest landowners can help keep forests as forests. In addition, managed forests are healthier and more resilient with a diversity of age and size classes to support wildlife and face climate change.
Forest Conservation
Hull Forest Products earned the Aldo Leopold Conservation Award from the Sand County Foundation in 2019 for our role in helping to conserve working woodlands in the Northeast. In addition to the woodlands we manage for our landowning clients, the Hull family land trust, Hull Forestlands L.P., has permanently protected thousands of acres of prime southern New England forestland from development, helping to preserve the working forests that form the backbone of our region’s rural character. Because we have opted for conservation restrictions that prohibit development, our forestland will forever remain a productive, working landscape that provides jobs and timber as well as plant and wildlife habitat, scenic viewsheds, carbon sequestration, open space, and recreational opportunity.
Click here for a sampling of our latest forest conservation projects.
If you have questions about our forest products or our forestry practices, please call: (860) 974-0127 or contact us
And thank you for choosing wood, America’s renewable resource.