Stewarding Local Working Woodlands & Manufacturing Materials for the Global Bioeconomy
Join us for our 2023 sawmill tour at Hull Forest Products and come see what we saw! Learn how our Connecticut forest-based business stewards local working woodlands and manufactures wood products, including green and kiln dried hardwood lumber, wood flooring, and timbers, for the global bioeconomy. Tour our modern sawmill and watch us make products from sustainably harvested local timber. Learn about woodland management, the local forest products economy, and how the sustainable use of forest-derived products can increase the economic viability of forests, securing their future. Find out how wood products reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon, and understand why it’s good to use wood, as well as how you can help forests to thrive in our region.
This event is free and open to the public on Saturday, October 21st, 2023, from 9 am – noon, rain or shine. 101 Hampton Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259.
Email for more information or call (860) 974-0127.