Category: Sustaining Working Forests

  • Four Events that Highlight Sustainable Forestry this Fall in Northeastern Connecticut

    This fall Hull Forest Products is offering four free and fun events for the whole family that celebrate Connecticut’s working forests and locally grown wood products. We hope you can join us for one of these guided woods walks or for the Hull Forest Products sawmill tour, where  you can watch us turn locally grown…

  • How Landowners Can Enhance Wildlife Habitat Through Forest Management

    Did you know that you can enhance wildlife diversity on your own property through woodland management?  Read on to learn how you and your forester can create greater biodiversity through silvicultural practices. “Forest” is the largest land category in Connecticut, with approximately 60 percent of the state covered in forest.  Since the statistic began being…

  • Hull Forest Products Participates in National Bioenergy Day

    October 2014– Hull Forest Products is participating in the second annual National Bioenergy Day event on October 22, 2014, to help show the public, elected officials, media, and other stakeholders how local companies are utilizing bioenergy. Hull Forest Products supplies mill quality as well as whole tree wood chips to many New England institutions that utilize…

  • Free Guided Woods Walks This Fall in Northeastern Connecticut

    Hull Forest Products is hosting two woodland walks in October 2014 in conjunction with The Last Green Valley’s Walktober event. These guided walks are a great opportunity to get some exercise, enjoy the fall foliage, and learn how our licensed foresters help woodland owners manage their land for forest products, wildlife, and recreation. We hope…

  • Woodland Ambassador Tour April 26, 2014

    You are invited to join Mike Bartlett and Michele Wood of Hull Forest Products for a Woodland Ambassador Tour at the Wood family forest, 83 Blood Road in Putnam, CT, on Saturday April 26 from 10-noon. (Raindate April 27). Three generations of the Wood family and forester Mike Bartlett will lead a tour of the property. Topics…

  • Recreational Leases in New England Forests

    To date we have permanently protected over 10,000 acres of our Massachusetts and Connecticut woodlands from development.  These working forests provide so many public benefits, including enhanced air and water quality, large unfragmented wildlife habitat,  critical wintering and staging areas for migratory waterfowl, carbon sequestration, and a steady supply of timber to meet society’s demand…

  • Explore the Woods With Us This Fall

    As a valued member of our community, we’re giving you a heads up on our fall woods walks so you can mark your calendar now and save the dates for these free and educational tours: Town Forest Does the Public Good: Explore the recent forest management activities initiated by the Preston Redevelopment Agency and Hull…

  • New Woodland Management Video

    Interested in learning woodland management 101? Hull Forest Products offers free open-to-the-public woods walks and tours each year to explain the principles of forest management and show off our work. Can’t make it? Fret not, we have recorded the highlights of our latest woods tour in this 7-minute video:  

  • Hull Family Permanently Protects Over 700 Acres of Forestland in Granville, MA

    August, 2013, Granville, MA- Over 700 acres of productive forestland in Granville, Massachusetts have been permanently protected in a collaborative effort between the Hull family, the New England Forestry Foundation, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEA), and the town of Granville, MA. The conserved forestland protects Valley Brook, which is Granville’s…

  • A Treehouse Grows in the Yale-Myers Forest

    When Yale undergrad Griffin Collier approached Hull Forest Products about the possibility of donating lumber for the Yale Treehouse Project, we were excited to be able to help him reach his goal of building an arboreal retreat for recreation and wildlife viewing. The treehouse project was begun when Collier,  inspired by the feelings that treehouses…