Keeping Forests as Forests and Protecting the Rural Character of New England
Forest Conservation: Hull Forest Products and Hull Forestlands L.P.
Hull Forest Products is an industry leader in forest conservation and the Hull family has permanently protected thousands of acres of forestland through the family land trust, Hull Forestlands. By removing the possibility of development, we ensure that our working forests will remain a source of timber for generations to come.
Here are just a few examples of our many forest conservation projects over the last decade:
Conservation of Historic Yale-Myers Forest Helps Nature Conservancy Reach 50,000 Acre Mark in Connecticut
By conveying an easement on 450 acres of forestland it owns and manages in Union, CT, Hull Forestlands helped the Nature Conservancy reach its 50,000 acre mark of protected forests, rivers, and coastline across the state in 2009. The only private inholding within the 8,000 acre Yale University Forest, the Myers Pond Forest includes a 30-acre pond, old mill site, natural stone mortar used by the Nipmuck Indians, open fields, commanding views, and the private cemetery of Yale University Forest founder George Hewitt Myers. Located within the Quinebaug Highlands Landscape, an expanse of unbroken forests in the northeast corner of the state, the Myers Pond Forest has been formally managed for timber production for over 100 years. It is home to wetlands, streams, and forest that are critical wintering and staging areas for migratory waterfowl. As part of the Highlands Landscape, the property also helps sustain the largest drinking water supply watershed in Connecticut, with benefits that trickle down all the way to Long Island Sound.
Hull-Peck Working Forests Initiative
In 2000 Hull Forestlands participated in the largest private land protection project in the history of Massachusetts, partnering with public and private groups to permanently preserve over 8,000 acres of its working forestland. The innovative project was hailed by the Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs as a “regional model for innovative conservation of natural resources.” Hull Forest Products received an Environmental Merit Award from the EPA for its role in initiating the partnership and conserving a landscape of working forests in the region.
Westfield River Watershed Protection
Hull forests protect over nine miles of frontage along the federally protected wild and scenic Westfield River in western Massachusetts, helping to buffer and conserve this environmental resource. Hull Forestlands is a proud members of the Westfield River Watershed Association.
Massachusetts Old Growth Forest Protected
When Hull Forestlands purchased the Sears Meadow Forest in Ashfield, Massachusetts, in 2000, the property included a stand of very large eastern hemlock and white pine. Intrigued by the possibility that this could be old growth, Hull Forestlands invited eastern old growth forest expert Bob Leverett and Harvard University forest ecologist David Orwig to study the trees.
They determined that the trees offer a glimpse of the forests of North America prior to settlement by European colonists. The stand’s longevity is especially remarkable as it is as convenient to access as any old growth in New England. Over 200 years old, the trees stand up to 130 feet tall and are nearly 4 feet in diameter at breast height. They survived to the present day because each of the landowners connected with the property allowed the trees to continue their lifecycle without interruption. Today they stand as an example of the natural progression of the forest.
Hull Forestlands has placed the old growth area under conservation restriction with the state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Lily Pond Sphagnum Moss Bog, Goshen
One of only a few such quaking bogs in the state of Massachusetts, Lily Pond in Goshen is an ecological treasure. In 2001 Hull Forestlands deeded the bog to the State Department of Environmental Management.
Hall Pond Forest, Granville and Tolland
Protected by a conservation restriction held by the Massachusetts Forest Landowners Association, this FSC-certified 800 acre forest of mixed hardwoods, white pine, and hemlock includes a 10 acre pond with its own heron rookery, and the property abuts additional conserved MDC land, forming a large green belt.
Peebles Brook Forest, Blandford
This 472 acre FSC-certified forest abuts additional conserved land owned by the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission, forming a large bioreserve. A beaver pond, old dwelling site, and Peebles Brook are among the significant features of this property. Peebles Brook Forest, Blandford, MA.
Mica Mill Forest, Chester
A mountainous 900 acre landscape of FSC-certified working forestland, this property also offers frontage on and riparian protection for the Westfield River.
Knightville Dam Forest, Huntington
An integral part of the scenic viewshed from the overlook at Rt. 112 in Huntington, the Knightville Dam Forest is an FSC-certified working landscape and is home to all manner of plant and animal life, including the bloodroot photographed at right.
May Brook Glen, Holland
A beautiful forest complete with a babbling brook that contains the remains of a dam built by Captain Nehemiah May, who served as selectman in Holland in 1785. May Brook flows into Hamilton Reservoir, Holland’s largest recreational asset. The property was donated to the Opacum Land Trust by Hull Forestlands in 2010.