Serving Forestland Owners in New England Since 1965 – Helping You Keep Your Forest as a Forest
Hull Forest Products has received the Aldo Leopold Award and the EPA’s Environmental Merit Award for helping to promote and preserve working forests.
Are you a landowner looking for help with logging / timber harvesting and forest mangement in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, southern Maine, or eastern New York? We provide woodland management and timber harvesting services through our state licensed foresters and harvesters. We will help you grow beauty and value in your woodland.
The Hull forestry & logging department of Hull Forest Products manages over 30,000 acres of woodlands for clients ranging from small landowners to nonprofit organizations to municipal agencies. Our certified professional foresters help landowners understand their forestland, identify goals for their property, and achieve them.
Contact one of our state-licensed foresters today: Schedule a consultation
Please note: Hull Forestry does not do arborist work or remove dooryard trees. Landowners with a minimum of 10 acres are encouraged to contact us for management services.
” I think the biggest challenge facing private forest management is the degree to which private forests are undervalued. Private forests provide so many ecological, aesthetic, and recreational benefits that aren’t adequately accounted for in our country, and this undervaluation artificially inflates the economic incentive to convert and develop forestland for other uses.”
— David Hobson, former Forest Manager at Yale University and Hull Forest Products forester.
Woodland Management and Forest Stewardship Plans
Do you want to manage your woodland assets for tax purposes, income, wildlife enhancement, or recreation? Our foresters will help you create and implement management and stewardship plans that will meet your goals.
Our foresters prepare and file detailed forest management and stewardship plans that develop and implement land use programs that meet multiple goals and comply with state regulations, including Chapter 61 plans. These plans take into account forest health, soil and stand types, terrain, and plant and animal life. Landowners receive maps of their land, confirmation of their property boundaries, and information about their forest, including timber volumes and values. Hull Forest Products also conducts timber harvests and timber stand improvement work for clients interested in these services.
Unlike many consulting foresters, who come and go, we have had a solid team of forestry professionals since the 1960s. Our foresters build relationships with landowners and are prepared to help them for the long-term. Many of our clients have been with us for over 30 years and successive timber harvests, enabling us to develop a unique relationship with them and their land.
Holding onto your family land takes planning and vision; let our forest management planning help you achieve your goals. From recreational leasing to the donation of development rights, we are forest conservation innovators with over 9,000 acres under conservation easement. Let our experience work for you.
Contact Us about Woodland Management and Forest Stewardship Plans
Learn more:
- Watch our forestry video
- The environmental and financial benefits of forest management
- How to enhance wildlife habitat through forest management
Timber Harvests / Timber Sales / Logging
For over four decades Hull Forest Products has conducted careful timber harvests that follow detailed forestry prescriptions set by our licensed foresters and approved by state foresters in MA, CT, RI, NH, VT, ME, and NY. Our experienced timber harvesting professionals follow best management practices and work hard to deliver the best value for clients as well as the best outcome for the forest. Our logging crews work with a variety of equipment that is matched to the unique terrain and job site conditions of your forest. You won’t find a more dedicated team of woods workers, and you can rest assured knowing that your woods are in good hands.
In addition to buying your standing timber, we purchase logs roadside or delivered.
Contact Us about Timber Harvests and Logging.
Forestland / Timber Appraisals
We conduct forest appraisals for a wide range of public and private clients who may be dividing or selling their assets, or making a donation of forestland to a land trust or conservation agency.
Contact Us about Forestland and Timber Appraisals.
Sell us your Forestland
Hull Forestlands purchases forestland for long-term forest management and conservation.
Contact Us if you have 100 acres or more and are interested in seeing it preserved as a working woodland.