Eastern White Pine is a naturally pale wood, but it absorbs stain readily so a wide variety of finish tones from light to dark can be achieved with a Pine floor. Browse our wide board pine gallery to see some of these variations.
Finishes: Get An Antique Look for Your Pine Floor | How to Emulate Heart Pine or Pumpkin Pine
We can make you a custom floor because we are a sawmill. Choose plank widths and lengths, grade, and surface and finish options. We make it just for you.
We expect our wood floors to hold up to generations of use, and we offer you a lifetime quality guarantee.
Hull Forest Products is an industry leader in forest conservation. We utilize best management practices and our forestry division consists of state licensed foresters and timber harvesters as well as Society of American Foresters (SAF) certified foresters.
Our family has made wide plank flooring for over 55 years, and we enjoy creating enduring floors that are a healthy and environmentally friendly solution for our clients’ homes.