Did You Know That Using North American-Grown Wood Helps Preserve Forests in the United States?
When you buy domestic wood flooring, you are paying landowners to keep their forests as forests, and continue to grow more wood for income. Without healthy vibrant markets for wood products, subdivision and development become a more attractive alternative to forestland for most landowners. When you buy a wood floor grown in the United States, you promote and protect our nation’s working forests.
Forests are our greatest renewable natural resource, and when managed properly can grow far more wood – storing much more carbon than unmanaged forests. At Hull Forest Products, our management tactics and income- producing strategies for landowners help deter alternative uses such as clearing and development-the greatest threat to our nation’s forests.
According to the USDA Forest Service, over the last decade, the U.S. has lost an average of 6,000 acres of fields and forests a day to development. You can counter this by choosing locally grown forest and farm products. You will enjoy quality native products, help a local landowner, and know that you are supporting the resource that helps brings you the clean air and water you enjoy.
The Hull family is proud to have permanently protected thousands of acres of working forests in southern New England. We love teaching our landowning clients how to steward their land and sustain their family forests through responsible forest management. Learn more about our forest conservation projects.
Thank you for your interest in our native wood products. Your purchase helps sustain working forests in the United States.

View Our American Grown Wide Plank Flooring By Species